For a moment there, I thought COFTY had started a cold fusion thread!
Interesting stuff.
every chloroplast in every green leaf on planet earth is wonderfully efficient at absorbing energy from the sun.
in combination with a complex protein enzyme h2o molecules are gently eased apart and combined with co2 to produce energy and oxygen.. a synthetic version of this process would make unlimited, clean cheap energy possible but it has so-far eluded chemical engineers.
until now..... researchers at florida state university have discovered a method of using manganese oxide also known as birnessite to capture sunlight and then use that solar energy to create an oxidation reaction read more....
For a moment there, I thought COFTY had started a cold fusion thread!
Interesting stuff.
dear anthony morris, iii:.
i wanted to send you a note of "thanks" on this special day.. why is this day special, you may ask?
one year ago today, you, tony, woke me up to the fact that the governing body could not have jehovah's blessing or direction.. last year, on november 8th & 9th, 2014, the united states branch visit was broadcast to over 1,000,000 jehovah's witnesses across the country.. as i sat at the kingdom hall listening to the "historic occasion," i was ignoring certain doubts that had surfaced in the few months prior.
is prince still a jehovah witness?
from the look of his new album, i think he has different ideas.
it will be interesting to see how they deal with this.
a while ago someone posted a link to the flame warrior guide, it seeks to define some different types of posters.
i thought it might be fun and lighten the current mood to reveal which "warrior" is closest to your style, in your opinion.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm not a Thread Killer. . . .
I suppose we'll see . . . . ;)
the more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
When still in, I used to tell my wife, If David were in our congregation, we would think he's the biggest a-hole on the planet and we would have nothing to do with him.
no facts about the world are absolutely certain.
that being the case i wonder how others would rank amd rate their confidence in various factual statements about the world.
i am going to rate my confidence in ten items of "knowledge" as a percentage.
This is good. . . .
I especially like the OJ reference.
i saw the coordinator heading for the stage and hit record on my ipad.
i was shocked but here it is.
here's my typed transcript of the letter he read:.
After consulting with Mrs. BOC, this was most certainly our CO. My sticking point was that he was married. Mrs. BOC affirmed that Redd did indeed get married.
Also, I agree with AMNESIANO that he was given "the boot" and it wasn't anything in particular about him that led to his untimely dismissal.
i was sitting at the recent circuit assembly that i attended, (the things i do for sis blues) and the baptism talk was under way .
i admit that my mind was more on my imminent packed lunch and flask of coffee but i distinctly heard the speaker make the statement that heads this thread and cite a wt reference.. you what !
i was shocked....... how can they possibly make such an arrogant statement ?
Jehovah drops more calls than Sprint.
i saw the coordinator heading for the stage and hit record on my ipad.
i was shocked but here it is.
here's my typed transcript of the letter he read:.
LEVELTPF - I had a William Redd as CO here in NJ within the past 5+(-ish) or so years -- I'm almost certain this is the same guy (our CO did PA as well). . . .
He was black and also single when he visited us. He always was a bit "distant." For instance, when "the friends" would provide lunch for him and the service group at the hall during noon break, he would say the prayer, grab his food, and retreat to an isolated corner of the KH foyer, obviously trying to avoid eye contact/conversation with anyone present. Decent speaker from the stage, but not a "people person."
Funny, I remember him (if this is the guy) going on a bit of a tear against apostates. 'Why do apostates speak out against Jehovahs organization? No one forced them to be here. There's no locks on the back door, you can leave when you please, no one will stop you. So, why do they speak out against us as if they were forced to be here" or something to that effect.